Cool-season lawns in Indiana thrive during the fall season, which is why it's the best time to schedule a core aeration service. By aerating your turf in the fall, it can absorb the nutrients it needs to recuperate from any stress it suffered during summer. Since core aeration opens up channels where nutrients, water, air, and sunlight can pass through to reach the roots of your grass, it's also a great way to prep your lawn for the winter. When you have your lawn aerated in the fall, it will develop strong roots, become more resilient, and store more nutrients to help it survive the harsh winter temperatures, and emerge in the spring in good shape. If you want better results, overseed your lawn after aerating it. This way, the grass seeds can fall into the holes created during aeration, where they can get everything they need to germinate.

Aeration helps your lawn heal from summer stress.

As the summer season ends, your lawn might be suffering from stress caused by the heat. Your soil will likely also be compacted due to the foot traffic it experienced and also from the weight of lawn mowers. Having your lawn aerated is a great way to help your grass heal from compaction and summer-related stress!

Cool-season lawns thrive during fall, which means they can tolerate the aeration process where plugs of soil are pulled from the ground. By aerating your lawn, nutrients, water, air, and sunlight can pass through to reach the roots of your grass. This means your lawn can access the nutrients and vital resources it needs to recover and rebuild its strength!

Lawn aeration in the fall allows your grass to maximize fertilizer treatments!

Prepare your lawn for the winter by aerating it in the fall.

The winter season can take a heavy toll on your lawn's health, so you must ensure it is well-prepped for the harsh temperatures it will face. That's where aeration comes in. Because aeration creates channels where nutrients and other resources can pass through to get to the roots, it helps bolster the health of your grass and encourages the development of deep and robust roots, which builds up your lawn's cold hardiness and allows it to store more nutrients. When your grass has deep roots that can hold a lot of nutrients, it will be better equipped to survive the winter season, which is why you should always have your lawn aerated every fall!

Pair Aeration & Overseeding Together to Achieve the Best Results

While lawn aeration in the fall is a beneficial lawn care service in its own right, you can get better results by pairing it with overseeding. Aerating your lawn creates holes in the soil where grass seeds can fall into, giving them excellent seed-to-soil contact and providing them with protection from the wind and pests. They'll also have good access to the resources they need to germinate, giving them the best chance to establish their roots and flourish into a lush, green lawn.

Call us today to schedule our lawn aeration and overseeding services!

If you want to ensure your lawn survives winter dormancy and comes out of it in the spring looking great, you've come to the right place! Here at Turf Kings, we offer lawn aeration and overseeding services to commercial and residential properties, as well as HOAs, in Carmel, IN and surrounding areas like Fishers and Westfield. You can schedule our core aeration in the fall and liquid aeration in the spring, so you can be confident that your lawn gets good access to essential nutrients throughout the growing season. Give us a call today at (317) 350-1737 to schedule our lawn aeration and overseeding services!