Ticks are harmful pests that are commonly found in Indiana, and you need to ensure your kids and pets are safe from them, especially during tick season! To help protect your kids and pets from ticks, keep your grass short and clean, create a barrier between your lawn and places your family spends time, check their bodies for ticks, and sign up for a tick control treatment. Tall grass and accumulated debris provide a moist and shaded environment where ticks can hide from the sun and predators. Meanwhile, a tick barrier made with gravel or wood chips will deter these pests from migrating from your lawn to areas where you usually hang out. Checking your kids and pets for ticks thoroughly is also important to ensure you can catch and remove any ticks on them as soon as possible. However, the most effective way to keep ticks off of your lawn is to schedule a professional tick control treatment!

Keep your lawn mowed short and free of debris.

Ticks are always on the search for a safe area to hide. Unfortunately, tall grass and the debris in your yard provide the ideal space for ticks to thrive. That's why it's important to regularly mow your lawn to keep the grass blades short and why you should also clean up debris and clutter in your yard. Ticks love to hide in tall grass and debris because these things provide them with shade from the sun and protect them from predators. These harmful pests also love moist and humid conditions because they can't survive for too long under dry conditions. Keeping your grass mowed regularly and your yard debris-free will discourage ticks from lingering around on your property!

Put a barrier between your lawn and where you and your family hang out.

Another way to help protect your kids and pets from ticks is to create a physical barrier between your lawn and the area where you and your family hang out. You should create a 3-foot barrier of gravel or wood chips to separate your lawn and the space where you usually spend time with your kids and pets, like your patio and play areas. It creates a dry and hot barricade that ticks will have a difficult time crossing minimizing the risk of them coming into contact with you and your loved ones.

Check Your Kids & Pets After Being Outdoors

The threat of being bitten by ticks can hamper the time you spend outdoors. If your kids and pets have just been outside, make sure you check them for ticks before coming inside, especially if they have been in wooded or grassy areas. When inspecting them for ticks, here are some tips you can follow:

  • When checking your kids, pay attention to several areas including under their arms, around their waist, behind their knees, around their ears, and their hair.
  • When checking your pets, don't just check their torso. Slowly run your fingers around their ears, at the base of their tail, paws, neck, and face.

Hire a Professional Pest Control Company to Administer a Tick Control Treatment

The most efficient way to keep your kids and pets safe from harmful ticks is to schedule a professional tick control treatment. Hire a pest control company to administer the treatment because they'll be equipped with tried and tested products that will effectively get rid of these critters on your property. They'll also visit your property several times a year to administer their treatments to provide you with long-lasting protection throughout the tick season in your area.

Before hiring a pest control company, make sure that they back their service with a satisfaction guarantee!

Call us today to sign up for our tick control service!

Ticks are harmful pests that can transmit diseases to your kids and pets. If you want peace of mind knowing your property has optimal protection from these creepy crawlers, we have you covered. Our crew at Turf Kings offers a professional flea and tick control service to commercial and residential properties, as well as HOAs, in Carmel, Fishers, Westfield, IN, and nearby areas. When you sign up for this service, our team will visit your property 3 times from April to November to administer our liquid treatments. Call us today at (317) 350-1737 to sign up for this service!