If you own a property in Indiana, you should be aware of four signs that may indicate a grub infestation in your lawn. The first significant sign is a spongy lawn that can be lifted like a carpet due to the roots being chewed away by grubs. Brown patches scattered throughout the lawn are another common indicator. An increased presence of animals, such as birds and rodents, can also be a sign grubs have infested your lawn. Finally, a surefire way to confirm a grub infestation is actually seeing numerous grubs in the soil. If any of these signs are noticed, it is important to take action and seek professional assistance for effective grub control.

1. Your lawn feels spongy when you walk on it and lifts up like a carpet.

When grubs are present in your lawn, they can wreak havoc on the health of your grass. Grubs are the larval stage of beetles, such as Japanese beetles or June beetles, and they have a voracious appetite for the roots of your grass. As these grubs feed on the roots, they cause damage and weaken the overall structure of your lawn.

The roots of your grass play a crucial role in anchoring it to the ground and absorbing essential nutrients and water. When grubs chew through these vital roots, they leave them unanchored to your lawn, resulting in a spongy feeling when you walk on it. The weakened roots are no longer able to provide the necessary support to keep the grass blades firmly in place.

Imagine the roots as the foundation of your lawn. When that foundation becomes compromised, the grass becomes loose and can easily lift up like a carpet. So, if you notice your lawn feeling spongy or you can easily lift it, it could be a sign of a grub infestation.

2. You see an increased animal presence on your lawn.

If you start noticing a sudden increase in the number of animals on and around your lawn, it could be a telltale sign of a grub infestation. Animals like raccoons, skunks, birds, and even rodents have a keen sense for detecting grubs in your lawn.

Grubs are a sought-after food source for these animals. Raccoons and skunks, in particular, are known to dig up lawns in search of grubs to feast on. If you observe these animals actively digging in your lawn, there is a good chance they are targeting grubs as their meal. Their presence indicates that grubs are likely present beneath the surface of your lawn, causing damage to the roots of your grass.

The best way to avoid a grub infestation on your property is to have preventative grub control treatments administered every year.

3. Brown patches are popping up throughout your lawn.

Have you noticed random brown patches appearing on your once lush, green lawn? If so, it could be a consequence of a grub infestation. As grubs consume the roots of your grass, they create a disturbance in the nutrient and water uptake by the affected grass.

The lack of proper nutrition and water supply to the grass leads to its deterioration, resulting in unsightly brown patches. These patches often appear randomly throughout your lawn, as grubs tend to feed on the roots in various areas.

If you observe brown patches that seem to appear out of nowhere and are not caused by other factors like drought or improper watering, it's worth investigating the possibility of a grub infestation as the underlying cause.

4. You actually see a lot of grubs when you dig up a small area of soil.

If you suspect that your lawn is infested with grubs, a simple method to confirm their presence is by physically observing them. Using a small shovel, dig up a spot where you suspect grubs may be hiding beneath the surface.

When you inspect the dug-up area, it's normal to find a few grubs, as they can be present in lawns even in healthy conditions. However, if you notice a significant number of grubs, especially around 10 or more in a 1 square-foot area, it is a strong indication that your lawn is indeed infested with grubs.

Give us a call today to schedule our grub control service.

If you're looking to keep your lawn protected from grubs, you've come to the right place! At Turf Kings, we offer preventative grub control treatments that can prevent grubs from ever getting a foothold on your lawn! We offer our grub control service to property owners in Carmel, Fishers, Westfield, and nearby areas in Indiana. Give us a call at (317) 350-1737 to sign up for our grub control service.